Director: Cindy Steffl
Members: Mark Beito, Doug Domeier, Chris Mangen, Susie Pedersen, Graziela Correa-da-Costa
Our board meets monthly to discuss ways we can most effectively foster the spreading of the gospel in our Community.
Our newest outreach endeavor is becoming active in the newcomer program. Each month we receive labels containing names and addresses of people who have moved into our community. We consider not only Sleepy Eye but Morgan and Springfield to be our target area. Each family or individual receives a brochure about Trinity and an invitation to let us know if there is any way we can be of assistance to them in this transitional time.
Some of our ongoing programs include inviting everyone to wear a name tag one Sunday of the month. We hope this will foster friendships. We plan and provide the refreshments for our new member Sunday’s.
One of our primary objectives had been to try and re-connect with our former members. We have tried various methods including in home visits, letters and most importantly prayer that God’s Holy Spirit will re-awaken a hunger in their souls for the gift that only Jesus Christ gives.
We initiated the I Wish cards in the pews for people to express their requests and concerns.
Members: Mark Beito, Doug Domeier, Chris Mangen, Susie Pedersen, Graziela Correa-da-Costa
Our board meets monthly to discuss ways we can most effectively foster the spreading of the gospel in our Community.
Our newest outreach endeavor is becoming active in the newcomer program. Each month we receive labels containing names and addresses of people who have moved into our community. We consider not only Sleepy Eye but Morgan and Springfield to be our target area. Each family or individual receives a brochure about Trinity and an invitation to let us know if there is any way we can be of assistance to them in this transitional time.
Some of our ongoing programs include inviting everyone to wear a name tag one Sunday of the month. We hope this will foster friendships. We plan and provide the refreshments for our new member Sunday’s.
One of our primary objectives had been to try and re-connect with our former members. We have tried various methods including in home visits, letters and most importantly prayer that God’s Holy Spirit will re-awaken a hunger in their souls for the gift that only Jesus Christ gives.
We initiated the I Wish cards in the pews for people to express their requests and concerns.