Director: Alisa Mangen
Members: Danielle Havemeier, Jamie Heiderscheidt, Nicole Jensen, Chelsey Schewe
The Christian Education Board is responsible for our Sunday School program, our Confirmation program, and overseeing the Adult Education Program.
Trinity Wednesday School classes start at preschool and go through 9th grade. Right now we have about 60 students attending our program.
Confirmation classes meet on Wednesday nights and include students in 7th through 9th grade. The students are then confirmed in the spring.
The Adult Education class is normally held on Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:00 and meets in the Friendship Room. This is open to Senior High students and adults and is led by Mark Beito.
During the summer we hold a Day Camp or Vacation Bible School here at church. This is for any students entering Kindergarten through 6th grade that wish to attend.
If you have questions about any of these programs you can contact any of the Christian Education Board members.
Members: Danielle Havemeier, Jamie Heiderscheidt, Nicole Jensen, Chelsey Schewe
The Christian Education Board is responsible for our Sunday School program, our Confirmation program, and overseeing the Adult Education Program.
Trinity Wednesday School classes start at preschool and go through 9th grade. Right now we have about 60 students attending our program.
Confirmation classes meet on Wednesday nights and include students in 7th through 9th grade. The students are then confirmed in the spring.
The Adult Education class is normally held on Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:00 and meets in the Friendship Room. This is open to Senior High students and adults and is led by Mark Beito.
During the summer we hold a Day Camp or Vacation Bible School here at church. This is for any students entering Kindergarten through 6th grade that wish to attend.
If you have questions about any of these programs you can contact any of the Christian Education Board members.