God's radical love, lived out every day.
We believe that God loves all people, no matter what. So, we welcome all with open hearts and open arms. We gather together to learn about the radical love of God shown to us in Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Through that learning we grow in our faith, love for one another, and then are sent out to bring the love of Christ to all people in our everyday lives.
What to expect
Sunday, 9:00 am
Come join us in loving and serving our neighbors and our world!
Please Join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM for Worship with Pastor Grant Fischer. Join the fellowship. It's Rally Sunday! It's God's Work Our Hands! Come as we begin the fall season and kick off another year of worship, fellowship, and service to our Community. Sign up for God's Work Our Hands projects in the Narthex as we work together to make a difference in our Church, Community, and the World!
Our church school program is excited to start another season. Church school will resume September 18th from 6-7 pm. Our Wednesday evenings will consist of music, snacks and classroom work. Trinity youth has made our program a great success and we look forward to working with the teachers, parents and students once again. We will be singing on the first Sunday of each month followed by a fun activity after service for parents and youth to attend. All are welcome!
We are in need of teachers and classroom aids to assist our youth ages 3 years-6th grade for our Church school program to be a success. If you are able to contribute weekly or just monthly, we are flexible. We are so appreciative to those who have assisted us in the past and our goal is to continue to provide a great Christian learning environment for our youth; so please don't hesitate to join. If interested or if you have questions please call or text 507-215-2866. Thanks,
Jamie Heiderscheidt
God's Work Our Hands Sunday is September 8th. Please sign up in the narthex for a service project! We can all help or Church and the Community.
The position of Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Coodinator is open here at church. If you are interested in working with young people in a flexable, part time position, please contact the office for an application. Follow the link in About Us/Employment for further information and an application.
- We continue with "God's Work Our Hands".
- Our projects aid our Church, Community, and the World. We make a difference ~ Together!
- Please make your prayer chain requests to [email protected] or call the church office at 507 794-5051. Please leave the message along with your name and telephone number. Thank You.
Sunday Schedule:In Person and Virtual Worship at 9:00 am Sundays.
You can see the service anytime here on the website. |
Live Video |
Location & Hours
Phone Number:
507-794-5051 cell 507 276-8013 Monday-Wednesday 9:00 to 3:00 PM Thursday 9:00 to 1:30 PM Email us: [email protected] Address: 217 Brackenridge St SW Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 |